Functionality and Coding Inspiration for All

When website designers discuss examples of works that they are in awe of, they tend to focus on aesthetics and the overall visual appeal; however, developers tend to evaluate exemplary works using a slightly different criteria. Website development is more aligned with functionality and user experience, which is why some of the most artistic websites may not necessarily impress development professionals. Following are a few examples of websites that are wowing developers in late 2019, and some may not look like much until you actually start navigating and using them.

The United Kingdom Government Portal

While some web designers believe that some of the design elements of are too reminiscent of 1990s portals, everyone agrees that the intuitive layout and navigation, coupled with smooth transition plus high level of usability, is what service-oriented online platforms should offer.

Poolside FM

This stylish audio streaming website has tons of visual appeal evidently based on old versions of the Apple Macintosh operating system, but the navigation and content are presented in a way that everyone of a certain age will feel comfortable and familiar with. The result is a playful website that functions perfectly thanks to tight coding.

Bruno Simon's Resume and Portfolio

There is just one reason this website, which serves as a professional business card for a prominent French developer, is not at the top of the list, and the reason is that it does not work well on underwhelming hardware. If your machine is powerful and enjoys a fast broadband connection, you will likely spend at least 15 minutes driving a toy truck around a 3D WebGL world that runs through Simon's extensive experience.

Moon Farmer Digital Strategy Agency

The parallax scrolling effects on this website are certainly intricate, but they glide so smoothly that you can be sure any client of this web development agency will like similar work done. The paragraphs are set to scroll behind graphic elements, and just when you think you will not be able to read past the surface of the moon or the lunar farmer, they duck out of the way just in time. For more information click here