Front End Developers Have a Lot of Tools to Use

Front-end developers produce the HTML, CSS and JavaScript which users see in their browser when they access a website. The tools front-end developers use change frequently as do the devices people use to access the Internet. Making sure websites render correctly in different browsers, different screen sizes and the latest operating systems means developers have to update their skills continually. Tools front-end developers frequently use include code editors, prototyping and graphic design tools. There’s also the old-fashioned whiteboard which many developers find very useful.

Front-end developers usually work as part of a web development team, along with a project manager, a back-end developer, a UI designer and a graphic artist. Teams building enterprise-level websites may also have API developers, SEO specialists and more. Small web design firms may hire full-stack developers who do both front-end and back-end development.

Front-end developer is turning into an ambiguous job title. Web design companies often include various front-end languages besides knowing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They may ask for Node.js, React, Angular, Grunt and more. They don't necessarily expect to find candidates with every qualification.

Soft skills are equally important for applying for a job at a company. Almost every front-end developer lists communications skills and teamwork as their soft skills. Being being able to provide concrete examples of these skills, if asked, can set you apart from other candidates.

Patience is essential for dealing with co-workers and clients. If you’re talking to people who know nothing about coding, they will not understand the scope of the work they are asking for when they decide they want just one more thing.

Problem solving is also an essential skill which makes you valuable to any company. You also must be able to multitask and manage your time effectively.

While front-end developers constantly see additional responsibilities added to the job title, it is still a good career. Gaining experience at agencies can prepare you to open your own business or work as a freelancer one day. For more information click here