Fledgling companies can use platforms like WordPress to their advantage, building websites that will last for the long haul.

Many would advise the owners of newly formed businesses to have company websites launched on personal domains. If it is not financially viable to hire a web designer to create a website from scratch, webmasters should at least rely on the site-building functionality provided by mainstream and popular platforms like WordPress to put websites together by themselves. In either case, the companies involved would be able to draw in a viable revenue stream from hosting advertisements on websites that can be considered their own personal property.

It is considered unusual for a successful business' website to use Google itself as the domain hosting it because the free Google Sites service that would allow this no longer directly supports advertisements for websites under its purview. Even Google Site websites that ran ads that were supported by Google prior to the enforcement of these restrictions are out of luck because advertisers are unable to detect the usage of these particular ads and award the owners their due revenue share.

If a website that is not necessarily supporting a business is receiving an impressive amount of traffic on Google Sites regardless, the webmaster should naturally consider relocating their website to a personal domain so that they can commit to traditional advertisement procedures. However, it is possible to embed advertisements provided by an external ad provider into the content of the website's pages so long as the webmaster is able to do so on account of having the proper relationship with said provider.

Since these ads would be manually embedded at the author's discretion, the author must disclose the fact that they have sold some of the site's real estate to accommodate the ads in spaces that would have just been filled up by regular content otherwise. The author would be able to dictate to an extent what kind of ads would appear within this space, but this will be somewhat of a tricky chore because the author must somehow ensure that whatever appears in that space will be valuable to the audience that is present for the site's content. For more information click here https://i.redd.it/oj53uikyi0w21.jpg.