Everything You Need to Know About Bootstrap++

If you're a fan of Bootstrap, you'll likely love Bootstrap++, which is an open source library created by Araf Karim, based on Bootstrap. It gives designers and developers additional styles to help them create state-of-the-art web apps. It also provides a new look to current Bootstrap styles.

It has the following features:

Media Objects

A media object is an image or a video that's positioned with text. With Bootstrap++, you can both align and nest media objects with your text.


Why settle for plain tables when, with Bootstrap++, you can create tables with contextual classes and hoverable rows, and as well as a plethora of aesthetic choices.


With Bootstrap++, you can create an assortment of images carousels, including a testimonial carousel.

Forms and Inputs

Bootstrap++ has everything you need to create stunning forms. It includes just about every possible variation of buttons, checkboxes and form controls.

Popover Tooltips

If your application needs hovering tooltips, Bootstrap++ has everything you could possibly want.

List Groups

Ordinary lists can get boring, but with Bootstrap++ you can create lists with badges, contextual classes, and buttons -> just to name a few.


Take full control of how text appears in your application with Bootstrap++. It has support for headings, inline elements, foreground and background colors, lists, and block quotes.

Alerts and Badges

When you use Bootstrap++, the only limitation to the customizations you can make to both alerts and badges is your imagination.


Like with image carousels, Bootstrap++ has full support for any type of card you could desire, including testimonial cards.

Standard UI Elements

With Bootstrap++, standard UI elements become something special. There is support for modal dialogs, progress bars, buttons, collapsible lists, dropdowns, and navigations buttons. You can even create jumbotrons.

In the future, Bootstrap++ will also add support for admin templates.

Installation and Use

To use Bootstrap++, simply download bpp.css from their website and include a link to it in your source after the link to Bootstrap itself. It also has a CDN repository you can link to.

To conclude, Bootstrap++ is a library all Bootstrap users should consider.