Embrace Your Mysterious Side with VirtualSelf

VirtualSelf is a captivating site that infuses intergalactic aesthetic with cryptic design and self-responsive features to create a page that lures the audience in.

When you first arrive to the site, a dark backdrop appears that complements the slow trickling in of the virtual self logos. Geometric shapes take form within a circle that contains the words 'virtual self.' An opaque crystal lays in front of the words, inviting visitors to enter the portal via one click. The browser tab is continually generating new phrases that pique the visitors interest. Some of these phrases include 'the echo of this empty myth awakens you,' 'choose your virtual echo,' 'experience the wings of limit,' and 'the infinite sky will heal us.' These ever changing mantras spark anticipation within the audience as we have no idea what will reveal itself behind the portal.

"Click" and the page turns still and you're suddenly thrown into a short-lived vortex before being welcomed by a kneeling girl dressed in a dark cloak. Her features are sharp and dainty, and she's accompanied with the question, "do you believe in this transformative self?" A play button dances in front of her, emitting a glow that is almost blinding. Beneath the button are the words "technic_angel." Is she the technic_angel? Is she the "virtual self" who will allow us to "experience the wings of limit?" The browser tab is once again producing new, thought-provoking questions while techno music plays in the background.

When the play button is clicked, a YouTube music video entitled "Virtual Self - EON Break" appears on the screen. As the video begins, the question "the technicAngels cry is beginning...what is imagined?" introduces the song. For 3:40 listeners get to enjoy the techno stylings of Porter Robinson's "EON Break" as sporadic images and flashes play in the background.