Don't let form overtake function in your web design

One of the sins of modern web design happens when developers take away browser functionality. One example that is unfortunately common is related to scrolling; web users are accustomed to the features that their browsers offer by default, and this includes scroll bars.

With front-end development frameworks such as React, developers can fall into JavaScript traps such as floating navigation menus and custom scroll bars that end up with bloated code and slower browsing experiences. Tiny vertical scroll bars are part of a web design trend that tends to mimic mobile browsing, but it can be frustrating on desktop browsers.

Hijacking the mouse cursor and replacing it with something fancy is a trend from the late 1990s that seems to be making an unfortunate comeback; it is absolutely unnecessary since users can already change it to their favorite appearance through the custom settings of their operating systems.

It should noted that major web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari have been developed and thoroughly tested with accessibility in mind, which means that the default scroll bars and other navigation elements will work for most people. Taking away such elements can result in confusion, something that is not conducive to an adequate user experience.

Good web design will not sacrifice function over style. Developers should make a point and speak up when they see that a mock-up or wireframing project looks like it might go against human user interface guidelines. Even when there is an intention of emulating a certain look or style, functionality should be maintained; this is why it is a good idea to insist that developers be included in every design meeting.

Something else to remember is the need to keep browsers and websites separate in terms of design. A project may look good on the Edge browser, but there is no way to determine if visitors will use a highly customized version, and not many users enable full screen mode on the desktop.

In the end, the substance over style approach is always valid when it comes to website development; to this effect, it helps to review the work of Modernist architects and their design philosophy. For more information click here