Develops Attempt to Make Coding Understandable

Web designers are often interested in which fonts people like and what the font trends are for website layouts. It is not unheard of for prominent site designers to give talks about their insights, and one designer recently did this in front of a large audience. The website designer uploaded the video onto YouTube, so anyone can watch the talk. This speech is done in the style of a TedX video, and it is meant to be educational and useful well into the future.

The designer offered a full view of fonts in website design. She began with what is available in CSS. This sparked the interest of young coders and experienced people alike. Most of them start out in CSS, so what she talked about is familiar to them. She also shared how font size makes a difference in how the code plays with responsive site design layouts.

Another part of the conversation referred to animating fonts and creating other animated effects in CSS. While animations are not new, getting them to display well on a smartphone continues to be a challenge. Site designers also need to consider that not all browser versions are supported by the CSS animation coding techniques. The web designer giving the talk offered some trips and tips to handle this without causing the animated effect to look out-of-place or take too long to load.

Talks like this engage the community of CSS developers. By bringing experienced web developers to an audience and encouraging them to keep many design aspects in mind, the entire profession grows and learns together. Facilitating the learning experience also helps some new coders think in a creative way. Instead of learning everything from a book, they can learn from the years of experience that other designers have under their belts.

When coders come together in order to learn more about design attributes, the entire development community benefits. Young coders also benefit from knowing that their more experienced colleagues also started out at the beginning and had to build their skills set by experimenting and seeing what works and what doesn't. For more information click here