Detailed Tutorial Shows How to Make a CSS Grid Gradient

In a large online design community forum, a person shared a link to a site that offers examples and coding instructions for a CSS grid. The person who shared the link is the one who made the tutorial. It teaches a coder how to make the gradient banner shown on the Stripe website. It is done entirely with CSS grid. This tutorial begins by pointing out that the gradient is shown on an angle. This is done with the transform/skew function of CSS. Another feature of the gradient banner is its span elements, which are all different.

This designer asks the coder to visualize the banner as a CSS grid with six columns and four rows. CSS is then applied to the wrapper element. The designer pointed out that height should be specified in the coding because none of the design elements address height in their parameters. This tutorial continues with making definitions for what should be done with each block in the grid. The skew transformation is the last step, and it is done at -12 degrees.

The person who shared this link in the forum wanted to know what other people thought about the tutorial and the finished effects. One person replied with comments about a post they saw a few years ago from an engineer who works at Stripe. This blog post explained the site's banner in detail.

Another person replied with a comment about the tutorial being clear and easy to follow. A lot of people found the tutorial helpful. They also liked the design on the original poster's site. Most of the people who looked at the tutorial said it addressed some design questions they had related to CSS Grid, and they were glad to finally have some answers.

Only one person did not seem to be impressed by the tutorial. They added that the Stripe gradient banner was not pleasing to their eyes, and they were in disagreement with the others who found it to be visually appealing. They did not have any criticism of the tutorial shared by the original poster/designer. For more information click here