Customizing 404 Pages Creates a Better User Experience

Landing on a 404 error page is something that probably happens millions of times each day. The reasons why this navigation error occurs can be attributed to either visitors or administrators, but such reasons do not matter as much as what is actually displayed on the 404 page itself, which becomes part of the browsing experience once it is served.

The standard 404 messages displayed on a default basis by web development platforms and frameworks are not conducive to the browsing experience. Informing visitors that a web file does not exist only adds to the irritation they will experience upon landing. If anything, 404 pages provide opportunities to engage with visitors and convince them to stay on the web properties they entered; however, this is not what standard error messages accomplish.

Most web design or development projects involve making every page a custom experience; based on this principle of online design, it stands to reason that the same custom treatment should be applied to 404 pages. Branding should be the first thought in this regard because it does not make sense for a visitor to see a 404 page with no background when they have already become used to a theme, layout, logo, and navigation elements.

The second thought should be to make the best out of the situation. Instead of automatically redirecting to another page that the visitor may not have had in mind, a 404 page should briefly provide information about the error in a friendly manner. Humor works great in this regard, but it should be light instead of overwrought. Obscure pop culture references will only work if the site administrator is absolutely positive that visitors will understand them.

Cleverness and an easy way out can go a long way in terms of keeping visitors on a website after landing on a 404 page. Navigation elements should be where they are supposed to be, and providing visitors with the opportunity to visit the home page is always recommended. Smart visuals that slightly deviate from the overall theme or topic are also recommended as long as they do not add to the confusion. Ultimate 404 pages will even add interactive elements such as a quick HTML5 game to make visitors forget about the mishap. For more information click here