CSS Has Been Made Easier Thanks To WwebDev On GitHub

Cascading style sheets keep getting better thanks to the continuous input of very creative minds who share their skills with the web development community. A recent contribution in this regard was posted to GitHub in early April, and it makes the process of separating or splitting CSS sections a lot easier.

You do not need to call up a library to split a CSS sections; this is mostly a matter of specifying dimensions and setting the float points. The goal is to create sections where the content can be positioned in a way that makes sense to visitors; for example, a block of text that appears in a section with a light-colored background will usually be deemed to be of greater importance. Separating the sections can be coded in pure CSS, but if you want a nifty shortcut, head over to GitHub and look for the projects posted by WwebDev; within this portfolio, look for the CSS separator generator project.

WwebDev offers two options to separate your CSS: you can manually install the dependencies and execute the code from a development server or else play around with the live demo. If you opt for the latter, and most of us will probably do so, you will be able to design the look of the separator by adjusting the angle, size, and geometry. Once the shape of your separator has been properly adjusted to your liking, you will be able to copy the HTML and CSS code to post on your projects.

When you look at the WwebDev code of the separator, you will be able to apply other tricks to make it more appealing to your project. Keep in mind that the following sectioning elements will need to appear in your HTML:

  • nav

  • aside

  • article

  • section

When using the aside element, there is no need to nest the code; doing this could actually create a problem when your project calls for sidebars that have many sections. Something else to watch out for is the use of the section and article elements, which can be confusing for developers who think in terms of block element modifiers. For the most part, the section element is more generic while the article is specific. For more information click here https://wweb.dev/resources/css-separator-generator.