CSS Grid Can Make a Spreadsheet That Looks Like Excel

A person shared an article with information and images of how CSS Grid can be used to create an Excel spreadsheet. It offers all of the usual Excel features, including number formatting, date formatting, mathematical and statistical operations and reports. The person shared this in a large online coding and web design discussion forum. They wanted to know what other CSS Grid users thought about it.

One person took a look at the example and thought it looked nice and clean. They liked the streamlined look. Another person agreed and said that the designer did a good job with it. They added a note that web guys are rarely satisfied, and they shared a small criticism. The icons seemed to be somewhat blurry on their screen.

Another person wondered what the original poster made this design. They assumed that the person did it in order to demonstrate their skills. They suggested that the designer push it a little more and add a button hover style. This individual believes that it will make the design more lively.

Someone agreed with the above commentator. They created some CSS Grid code in order to add that effect to the finished page. They wrote out the code so that the original poster could use it if they want to. Even with that small amount of criticism, both of those commentators agreed that they liked the project and found it to be enjoyable to look at.

One person said that the cells are what HTML tables are designed to use. They criticized that the original poster should not be using divs. They also said that a series of input elements for tabular data is the wrong way to do things. This individual said the original poster should be using the table function instead of input elements.

Another individual took a look and remarked, "Wow, that's cool!" This individual did not have any suggestions or criticisms for the original poster. The last person who viewed the work and had a comment simply stated that they did not understand what it was for and why it exists. For more information click here https://codepen.io/oliviale/details/rPjgmB.