CSS-Driven Grids, Style Sheets and the Power of Interactive Mock-Ups

A website located at the URL cssgr.id allows visitors to visually select and input the parameters for a CSS-driven grid that can be displayed in HTML and then receive the HTML code and CSS code that allows the user's own projects to display a grid like that. Grids provided by style sheets attached to HTML documents are a relatively recent innovation in web design that allows HTML documents to arrange text and other content in simple tables without involving any HTML-driven table tags. The website is provided and maintained by front-end web developer Dan Netherton.

When the website is first loaded, it features a simple interactive mock-up in which nine pieces of text named "Item 1," "Item 2," and so on are arranged in a three-by-three layout. When the "Get Code" button is pressed, you will see that the HTML syntax that would produce this effect is made up of each "Item" being enclosed in its own div tag, and all nine of these items are enclosed within one div tag that has been assigned "grid" as a class element. The "Get Code" function also displays the code that would be put into the CSS document that the HTML document would use as a style sheet, and that code dictates how the div tags within the scope of the div tag with the "grid" class gets arranged as a simple grid.

On the upper right area of the site's page, you can adjust the number of items populating the grid and the number of columns the grid uses. You can also adjust the number of pixels between each item in the grid, how many pixels wide the grid is, and whether each text name used for the demonstration is replaced with a fair amount of placeholder text. When you select one of the items displayed onscreen, you can also adjust how many columns and rows it will span. Every change will be accurately reflected in the HTML code and CSS code that will be provided the next time the "Get Code" option is clicked. For more information click here https://cssgr.id/.