Comparing Web Hosting from GoDaddy to Alternatives with More Options

Deciding which web hosting service to use is one of the most important choices an individual or organization makes. Following the trends in this industry can help people see the contours the web will take in the future.

Although GoDaddy is often the first name people think of when web hosting is discussed, recently people have begun to voice dissatisfaction with its service. In fact, many users are defecting for competing web hosts. These days, the biggest question is which competitor they'll switch to.

Common criticisms of GoDaddy are that customer service is lacking and representatives can take too long to respond. Users prefer services that reply within a few hours, not ones that use old school business hours. The internet is open 24/7, after all. Another concern is that GoDaddy buys domain names and tries to re-sell them to the original owners at a significant mark-up. Although this may be a good move in some ways, it also alienates a lot of potential customers. Some analysts feel that GoDaddy is forsaking its future for small gains today.

Many savvy creators are now migrating to DigitalOcean and Linode. Users speak highly of the customer service for both of these services. Commercial organizations are among the clients of these services. They are more responsive and offer more bells and whistles than GoDaddy, which caters to the mass market. In fact, DigitalOcean is beloved for its support of OpenSource technology and Hacktoberfest. Instead of alienating potential customers, this company cultivates them.

In spite of its limitations, GoDaddy remains one of the most popular web hosting sites. It's accessible to laypeople who don't understand a lot of the jargon and technicalities that power-users and professional web designers do. It also integrates with Office 365, although the process is somewhat convoluted. This service is still a good option for some entry-level users and hobbyists.