Coders Are Taking a Close Look at Vector Based Graphics

Vector-based graphics that viewers' browsers directly render on behalf of websites have rapidly superseded the use of separately loaded media files as the primary means that websites use to deliver animated and dynamic elements. Since a fair proportion of the possible ranking credit Google gives to a given website is dependent on how much time a standard browser takes to load the site's contents, websites are opting not to bog down their audiences' loading processes by forcing them to load large, self-contained files. Such aesthetics are instead executed through text files containing syntax that instructs browsers to structure and animate visual elements on the client side, and these websites are much faster for users to load because browsers parse files of web code nearly instantaneously.

The three baseline scripts that power many basic websites are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and the code that can allow a website to natively depict fairly sophisticated visual elements and reactive animations can be spread across all three. The JavaScript file is the likeliest file to be where most of the site's animation data and dynamic interactivity are executed. Rather than try to manually work on implementing potentially complicated code, most web designers use animation libraries that have been created to streamline the process of getting a desired result realized.

Different JavaScript libraries offer differing levels of complexity and functionality to fulfill different needs and skill levels. However, even a fairly simplistic library can provide a powerful and intuitive interface that simplifies the process of working with JavaScript and the other syntax forms. A library called anime.js, for example, includes powerful features that can easily make complex yet smooth animations with "staggering" elements, separately timed CSS transformations, and event manipulation based on the position of the page within the browser's window. A simple yet effective method of using it is showcased in a demonstrative landing page that makes several shapes appear on the upper right corner of the window when the page is loaded. CSS manipulation transforms them so that they either rotate or appear slightly angled away from the viewer's perspective. For more information click here