Check Out This Hilarious Satire Site for a Good Laugh

There is no lack of satire on the internet. Flat Earthers still exist, despite considerable evidence to the contrary of their core belief. Recently, a marketer came across the Flat Earth Credit Union website. It is clearly satirical, but it looks just real enough that a few people might think that such a thing exists. Taking a break for humor is never a bad thing to do. This site is filled with it.

The staff biography section offers quite a few tidbits that are certain to bring a smile to someone's face. For example, one of the leaders of the Flat Earth Credit Union attests to having "five unvaccinated kids." Another section of her biography states that she manages multiple businesses for "weight loss teas and essential oils." A different member of the staff is apparently an expert at negotiating higher allowances and has 23 years of experience analyzing his mom's finances. The third staff member with a biography is apparently just there in order to stave off possible lawsuits.

The available financial services are also amusing. A person could get "curve-free checking" or a loan for a "brain coach." The site also lists some perks of the curve-free checking account, such as no ATM fees on all of the ATMs located on the flat earth. Another perk described on the site includes a statement that all of the income that they get from your checking account goes into their flat Earth research.

In the loans section of the site, the options include brain coach loans and explorer loans. The loan administrators are described as "judgment free." There are a few other amusing tidbits in here, too.

The site gives away the gag on one of the pages. The secure login button might be a bit over the top. You may have also noticed that the company's location points to NASA's Houston headquarters.

When you are stressed or having a hard day, take a minute to laugh. Humor reduces stress. It helps your brain settle down if you have anxiety. This type of humor is a good way to relax. For more information click here