Bloggers Should Let Their Personalities Shine Through Their Website Designs

The design of a personal development blog should reflect the blog author's personality. People read personal development blogs because they feel a connection with the author so the design should reflect the blogger' beliefs. In most cases, experts say design your website for your visitors, not yourself, but personal development blogs are the exception. Nevertheless, you should take your targeted audience's age range and gender into account when selecting a design.

You are selling your brand, which is yourself. Your website design should reflect your brand. Even if you don't monetize your blog, you will still want visitors. People will not have heard of you so when you encourage them to visit, you want to make a good first impression. Typically, people form their opinion in less than a second by looking at your blog's design at its layout.

For personal development bloggers who don't know where to start, a minimalist design works well. The content is what is important; readers don't need distractions. Other personal development bloggers go with a notebook theme and use a font which mimics handwriting.

If you're creating a blog, WordPress has hundreds of beautiful, free templates to choose from. As your blog evolves, you can always change templates. Many personal development blogs evolve and become way too broad. Don't fall into this trap. If you have too many categories, you'll end up posting trite quotes just to have a new post. People want content with actionable tips.

People will visit your blog because they are aware they are missing something in their life. You need to make it clear how you can solve their problem. If someone lands on your blog, you have about five seconds to explain the blog's purpose. Self improvement isn't enough; you must explain how your blog will benefit them if you want people to stay. For more information click here