Avoid a DIY Platform and Maintain a Good Business Image

There are a large number of platforms out there which promise individuals an easy way to create a website. Sadly, few of these do-it-yourself providers truly deliver excellence in web design. Even worse, using a platform like Wix can brand you as an amateur and stamp your website with inferiority. Before you choose Wix to build a website, here are some things to consider.

Wix and similar platforms are designed for individuals with no website coding experience. As a result, the feature set that is provided can be sparse. You may find it difficult, for example, to translate your site into different languages. Performing search engine optimization can be practically impossible. Frequent updates are a chore. These sites just weren't designed for active businesses that take web presence seriously.

Platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce are somewhat better when it comes to expansion. They might work for the small business that only has little to offer. As a complete e-commerce solution, however, even these services leave much to be desired.

The bottom line is that DIY services may be okay for businesses which do not depend upon the Internet as a primary point of contact. In this day and age, though, which business doesn't? Even local businesses are harnessing the power of SEO to reach more customers. A DIY platform isn't always viable for the business that wants and expects to grow.

There are some alternatives. Wordpress is perhaps the most user-friendly content management system, or CMS, available today. Most web hosts make it easy to install Wordpress to a domain, and the Internet is full of documentation on the platform's features. Anyone that can navigate the pitfalls of Wix will certainly find that Wordpress is easier to use.

Another alternative is to invest in a web development professional. This option might not be as expensive as you'd expect, and professional web design firms create stunning websites. These firms can also set up e-commerce platforms and create mobile-ready versions of a website.

Almost all development professionals will advise you to stay away from Wix and similar platforms. The online image of your business is important. Don't damage it by creating an inferior website. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/93d5g8/wix_is_a_dumpster_fire/.