Art Steeped in VR Makes Waves

A new way of using virtual reality has developed, and it is not what many people might think it would involve. Instead of virtual reality or gaming, sci-fi or fantasy, many artists are turning to virtual reality as a way of exploring new types of art. An artist by the name of Charlotte-Maëva Perret, who was born in Polynesia and works out of London, England, has started a program of delivering virtual-reality based art.

As a lecturer, art director and artist, Charlotte-Maëva Perret uses a variety of media in order to share her life's work with the world. Virtual reality is a new medium for her. She is using virtual reality as a sort of new world disorder in order to convey a message about what and how she sees the world. The themes of her virtual artwork include cultural piracy, economies of culture and vandalism. Her artwork also highlights archaeology, iconoclasm, entrepreneurship, industrialism and branding. Celebrities are another area of her focus.

Charlotte-Maëva Perret has a long history of exploring trending media for delivering her art. She has created video-based installations at venues around the world. She has also used fashion and material items as a way to deliver art to the public. The virtual reality art is her newest way of telling a story to the public.

Another way that virtual reality is intersecting with art is the way that art is delivered to the viewer. The digital delivery of art is a modern way to get more people to see it. Not everyone can make their way to the one museum that houses an original sculpture, painting or drawing. Thanks to libraries and other public resources, just about anyone can get online at no cost and view digital art. Many libraries and public colleges and universities have free public access to journals and subscription-based websites that would typically require a fee for a single private user. In this way, more individuals may be able to access art created through virtual reality and delivered to the viewer through a website. For more information click here