A 15 Year Old Designer Released Their First UI Project

A teenager who is interested in programming and web design has just finished their first ever user interface design for a password manager website and app for the mobile environment. This person wanted to share what they did with other designers. Being only 15 years old and having done this complex of a project, chances are good that this person could do some great things with programming and web design in their future career.

One person took a look and offered a gentle criticism to make the bubbles less opaque on the white background. The person felt like the bubble activity was a little bit distracting and took away from the design elements that the original poster probably intended to have pop out to the site's visitors.

Another person took a look and suggested using less contrast in the text. This commentator pointed out that when everything has a high level of contrast, nothing does. The business on the page could be a little bit too much. Toning it down some could make it more visually appealing and calm down the aesthetic. A second person agreed with this. They said that the high contrast made it difficult to determine what to read first or what was most important on the page. This second commentator also noted that the pink color was too bright and too much. They suggested using a different color and using the pink as an accent color elsewhere.

A few other people had suggestions. Those included sticking with one type of text alignment. Another person agreed with toning down or removing the bubbles. Not putting everything in a bold typeface would also help. A person noted that the two margins means that on a mobile device's screen, the text would be very narrow. This could make it difficult to read on today's smartphones.

A different person suggested adding more white space between the text. The same person felt that the designer should remove the emoji. This is because password management and security are serious topics, and the emoji makes it seem like a joke or a game. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/crv1y2/hello_i_am_15_years_old_and_i_just_finished_my/.